While it’s tempting to slow down and take time off, summer is the best time to work on your business and slide ahead of the competition. While everyone else is taking it easy, you can keep the momentum going with a little self-discipline and determination – the two most important ingredients to building a strong business.

Success is built from the momentum of taking little stepssharpen the saw consistently. The tricky thing about momentum is that it’s invisible and you don’t notice the negative effects of stopping until it’s too late. Missing one networking event may not seem like a big deal, taking a day off isn’t the end of the world, and skipping your social media posts for a few days won’t make your business crumble. Right?

There will come a point when it does matter. The problem is no one knows what that fine line is. One day or week can easily turn into two and eventually you’ll be back at square one building up that momentum. Instead of getting caught up in the myth that it doesn’t matter, keep your skills sharp this summer, and still have fun, by following these tips:

Read. Instead of grabbing a trashy novel to read out on the deck or at the lake, grab something that will actually add value that you can learn something from. People sometimes give me a hard time for only reading business or personal/spiritual development books but I ignore them and just continue to do things that add value to my life. Remember the old adage… junk in/junk out and pay attention to what you’re putting in.

Listen. I spend a lot of time in my car and I’ve been listening to a lot of books on Audible lately. Your commute is another great time to squeeze in skill development. My recent playlist includes: Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business, The Ultimate Sales Machine, and Mastering The Rockefeller Habits.

Learn. Take a class. A 90-day program focused on business growth is perfect for the summer. I’ll just go ahead and recommend my class From Frazzled to Focused in 90-Days here :). We target your message, marketing, and time management in this course so you will be crisp, clear, and confident about what you do and who you do it for.

Whatever you do, keep the momentum going and exercise your self-discipline and determination so you will have the success you want. Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

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